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Beauty & Bruised Post-Survey
How do you feel about your spiritual health? (Relationship with God) PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent How do you feel about your spiritual health? (Relationship with God)
How do you feel about your emotional health? (mental and emotional well being)PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent How do you feel about your emotional health? (mental and emotional well being)
Leaving this phase, how bruised would you say you are?
Will you be continuing onto Phase 2 of the journey? (6 weeks beginning Monday May 2
Would you be interested in sharing your testimony, volunteering, donating, or beng apart of future I Am Handpicked Events & Initiatives?

Thanks for taking this journey with us!  Please expect some goodies in the mail from us in the next few weeks as a token of our appreciation but most importantly your success and courage in completing this phase of the journey. 

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